Make Changes

Make Changes is a Victorian based business using NLP and Advanced Hypnotherapy. We help people to make long term changes in their lives. Ph: 1800 760 249

If you want to Make Changes in your life, first you must change your thinking.

Our specialist areas are:
- Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes &
- Reach Your Ideal Weight in 60 Minutes.

Quit Cigarettes in 60 Minutes: This is a one off session, tailored to the individual. You walk out a non smoker for life. We are so confident in our system we back it up with a Lifetime Guarantee of support.

Reach Your Ideal Weight in 60 minutes:
This program is also tailored to your specific needs and circumstances. Finally, the breakthrough technologies incorporated in the “Ideal-Weight-O-Stat” and the “Fat-Furnace-Flame”, together with a tested, proven and simply unique proprietary 7 step plan makes this program unlike anything you have ever seen before.

See our website for more details..
